
Selasa, 22 November 2011

Adverb of frequency (kata keterangan frekuensi)

Adverb of frequency menunjukkan seberapa sering sesuatu terjadi. Contoh: “I always brush my teeth” berarti saya menyikat gigi saya setiap hari.
Berikut beberapa kata keterangan frekuensi yang umum dipakai.
Always (selalu) - He always eats breakfast.
Usually (biasanya) - He usually eats breakfast.
Often (sering) - He often eats breakfast.
Sometimes (kadang-kadang) - He sometimes eats breakfast.
Never (tidak pernah) - He never eats breakfast.
Untuk aktivitas yang tidak sering kita dapat menggunakan:
Don’t usually (tidak biasanya) - He doesn’t usually eat breakfast.
Kata keterangan frekuensi afirmatif/negatif
Kata keterangan frekuensi afirmatif bisa dibuat menjadi negatif, contoh:
- I don’t always eat rice for breakfast.
- He doesn’t usually come home late.
Kata keterangan frekuensi negatif tidak bisa dibuat menjadi negatif, contoh:
- I don’t never eat rice for breakfast - Ini tidak tepat
Posisi kata keterangan frekuensi
Posisi kata keterangan dalam bahasa Inggris cukup bervariasi. Akan tetapi sebagai aturan umum kata keterangan frekuensi diletakkan sebelum kata kerja utama. Contoh:
Kalimatkalimat berikut sudah benar: “sometimes” ditempatkan sebelum kata kerja utama “play”
  • We sometimes play sports.
  • We don’t often play sports.
Kalimat-kalimat berikut tidak tepat:
  • We play sometimes sports.
  • We don’t play often sports.
Kata keterangan frekuensi juga bisa ditempatkan di posisi lain, contoh:
  • We play sports sometimes.
Pada kalimat diatas kata keterangan frekuensi terletak di akhir kalimat.
  • Sometimes we come home late.
Peletakan di awal kalimat juga dibenarkan, khususnya ketika kita ingin menambahkan penekanan pada apa yang diucapkan.
Contoh penggunaan dalam percakapan
1) What do you do at the weekend?
I always go out on Saturday. Sometimes I go to a restaurant, and sometimes I watch a movie. I never go to concerts, but I often go to my friend’s house. I always have a good time!
2) What kind of person are you?
Well, I’m friendly and outgoing, and I’m usually very happy. I don’t often complain, and I never shout or get really angry. How about you?
I’m friendly too, and I’m a little shy.
I’m always happy, but sometimes I’m very busy. I always try to have a happy face.
Me too!
3) What are some customs in your country?
We always bow to people we meet, and we never joke about people’s names.
That’s good. Here we never ask about people’s salary, it’s rude. Also we usually aren’t late for meetings.
That’s good too!
Kosa kata baru:
Weekend = akhir pekan
always = selalu
sometimes = kadang-kadang
watch = nonton
movie = film
never = tidak pernah
concert = konser
often = sering
what kind = jenis apa
person = orang
friendly = ramah
outgoing = suka pergi-pergi
usually = biasanya
complain = mengeluh
shout = berteriak
get angry = marah
shy = malu
busy = sibuk
face = wajah
custom = adat kebiasaan
country = negara
bow = tunduk
people = orang
meet = bertemu
joke = lelucon
salary = gaji
rude = tidak sopan
late = terlambat
meeting = pertemuan

Minggu, 20 November 2011


Noun Phrases

Noun phrases atau frase nomina adalah frase yang terdiri dari nomina atau pronomina (sebagai head) dan modifiers.

Modifiers yang biasanya menyertai nomina adalah:
- determiners (articles, demonstratives, numbers, possessives, quantifiers)
- adjectives, adjective phrases, adjective clauses
- relative clauses

Seperti halnya nomina, frase nomina juga mempunyai fungsi sebagai subjek atau objek dalam suatu kalimat. Perhatikan contoh berikut di bawah ini:
- My coach is happy.- I like the cars over there.
- The woman who lives there is my aunt.
- Frankenstein is the name of the scientist not the monster.
- I consider Meong my favorite cat.
- Small children often insist that they can do it by themselves.
- To read quickly and accurately is John’s goal.
- Two of my guests have arrived.
- Mr. Jones spoke to Dr. James.
- My friend works with her father.

Frase nomina selalu memiliki nomina sebagai head. Dan umumnya determiners dan adjective phrases menempati posisi sebagai pre-modifiers atau pre-head. Contoh:
- the children- happy children
- the happy children

Setelah head, diletakkan post-modifiers yang panjangnya tidak dibatasi, contoh: the dog that chased the cat that killed the mouse that ate the cheese that was made from the milk that came from the cow that...

Dalam kenyataannya, pemakaian post-modifiers sepanjang contoh di atas jarang digunakan, bahkan tidak pernah.

Head dari frase nomina tidak harus selalu nomina, bisa juga berupa pronomina (pronouns).
- I like coffee.
- The waitress gave me the wrong dessert.
- This is my car.

Jika yang berlaku sebagai head berupa pronomina, maka frase nomina itu umumnya memiliki head (berupa pronomina) itu saja. Hal ini karena pronomina tidak memerlukan determiners atau adjectives sehingga pre-modifiers tidak diperlukan. Tetapi, beberapa pronomina, memungkinkan untuk ditambahkan post-modifiers.
[Those who arrive late] cannot be admitted until the interval.

Begitu juga numbers, dapat menempati posisi sebagai head dari frase nomina.
[Two of my guests] have arrived.[The first to arrive] was John.

Kemampuan memahami frase nomina dengan baik merupakan hal yang penting untuk mengenali ide dalam suatu kalimat, daripada sekadar mengetahui arti kata per kata. Pengetahuan akan kemungkinan variasi dari perluasan bentuk pada frase nomina sangat bermanfaat dalam memahami secara tepat dan spesifik makna yang terkandung dalam suatu kalimat.

Selasa, 15 November 2011

WH Question Words

We use question words to ask certain types of questions (question word questions). We often refer to them as WH words because they include the letters WH (for example WHy, HoW).
Question WordFunctionExample
whatasking for information about somethingWhat is your name?
 asking for repetition or confirmationWhat? I can't hear you.
You did what?
what...forasking for a reason, asking whyWhat did you do that for?
whenasking about timeWhen did he leave?
whereasking in or at what place or positionWhere do they live?
whichasking about choiceWhich colour do you want?
whoasking what or which person or people (subject)Who opened the door?
whomasking what or which person or people (object)Whom did you see?
whoseasking about ownershipWhose are these keys?
Whose turn is it?
whyasking for reason, asking what...forWhy do you say that?
why don'tmaking a suggestionWhy don't I help you?
howasking about mannerHow does this work?
 asking about condition or qualityHow was your exam?
how + adj/advasking about extent or degreesee examples below
how fardistanceHow far is Pattaya from Bangkok?
how longlength (time or space)How long will it take?
how manyquantity (countable)How many cars are there?
how muchquantity (uncountable)How much money do you have?
how oldageHow old are you?
how come (informal)asking for reason, asking whyHow come I can't see her?

Minggu, 13 November 2011

Retelling Story

CINDERELLA 3 : A Twist In Time

On the anniversary Cinderella and Prince, surprise their fairy
godmother, Jaq and Gus with a picnic in the woods. However,
nearby is the old house Cinderella, where Anastasia and
Drizella a bitter old doing Cinderella. While wandering to avoid
work, Anastasia fairy mother tripped on a stick, which he
dropped, and the subsequent struggle, Anastasia fairy
Godmother accidentally change into stone. Drizella stepmother
and arrived to see what was happening, and stepmother
became fascinated with the power of the stick and revels in
another opportunity to destroy the life of Cinderella.

stepmother used a stick to go back in time with his daughter on
the day of the Grand Duke is equipped with a glass slipper on
Cinderella. As before, Cinderella is locked in the attic with Jaq
and Gus Lucifer against the key. stepmother used a stick to
extend the shoe to fit Anastasia, and they were brought to the
palace like a Cinderella who appears. Cinderella's stepmother
break other sandals, the only alibi, and warned him to keep
away from the palace. But Cinderella did not give up, and
sneak into the palace with Jaq and Gus.

Understandably, Anastasia is not the girl who danced with the
ball, but stepmother to change the memory with his stick and
he accepted her as his wife. Jaq and Gus saw this from afar
and inform Cinderella's stepmother has a wand. Cinderella act
as maid for stepmother came into the room ', but he was seen
by a stepmother as a rat run with his cane. Unfortunately,
Cinderella palace guards who chase before he can return the
memory Charming. Cinderella Charming briefly touched hands
and he began to recognize her, but Cinderella's stepmother

orders that are placed on the next ship out of the kingdom.
Rats find prince and explain the whole story to him, and he
drove off to intercept the ship just as it leaves port. Charming
and Cinderella includes the true memories back. He
immediately asked her to marry him, again, and he accepted.

Charming Cinderella is brought back to court and explain
everything to the King and Grand Duke. The king commands
Tremaines arrested, but they escape using his cane. King says
the Tremaines as outlaws and orders hunt for them. However,
the stepmother did not give up, and as Cinderella prepare for
the wedding, he came up with Anastasia, Cinderella magically
transformed into a fake. Before Cinderella could act, carrying
his stepmother, Jaq and Gus to the castle, where they have
taken to their deaths in a pumpkin carriage bent with Lucifer as
a human driver, but they managed to defeat Lucifer and fled,
leaving Lucifer stranded in the woods.

Cinderella to the palace as a false oath about to be exchanged.
However, at the last moment, Anastasia conscience gets the
better of him and he turns Charming down, for my stepmother
and anger Drizella it. They emerged into the open and the King
orders them arrested, but the stepmother uses his cane to fend
off the guards. As he prepares to condemn Cinderella and
Anastasia, Charming turned back on the beam and Drizella
stepmother with his sword, and they turn into frogs and
transported to the warehouse palace. Cinderella uses a stick to
restore a fairy godmother and return to form real Anastasia.
Embarrassed, Anastasia King returns give valuable shell on
him before, but he allows him to remain, on the basis that all
persons entitled to true love. The fairy godmother offered to
reverse the timeline to its original state, but the decrease in

Cinderella and Charming. Once again, they get married and
live happily ever after.

On the anniversary Cinderella and Prince, surprise their fairy
godmother, Jaq and Gus with a picnic in the woods. However,
nearby is the old house Cinderella, where Anastasia and
Drizella a bitter old doing Cinderella. While wandering to avoid
work, Anastasia fairy mother tripped on a stick, which he
dropped, and the subsequent struggle, Anastasia fairy
Godmother accidentally change into stone. Drizella stepmother
and arrived to see what was happening, and stepmother
became fascinated with the power of the stick and revels in
another opportunity to destroy the life of Cinderella.

stepmother used a stick to go back in time with his daughter on
the day of the Grand Duke is equipped with a glass slipper on
Cinderella. As before, Cinderella is locked in the attic with Jaq
and Gus Lucifer against the key. stepmother used a stick to
extend the shoe to fit Anastasia, and they were brought to the
palace like a Cinderella who appears. Cinderella's stepmother
break other sandals, the only alibi, and warned him to keep
away from the palace. But Cinderella did not give up, and
sneak into the palace with Jaq and Gus.

Understandably, Anastasia is not the girl who danced with the
ball, but stepmother to change the memory with his stick and
he accepted her as his wife. Jaq and Gus saw this from afar
and inform Cinderella's stepmother has a wand. Cinderella act
as maid for stepmother came into the room ', but he was seen
by a stepmother as a rat run with his cane. Unfortunately,
Cinderella palace guards who chase before he can return the
memory Charming. Cinderella Charming briefly touched hands

and he began to recognize her, but Cinderella's stepmother
orders that are placed on the next ship out of the kingdom.
Rats find prince and explain the whole story to him, and he
drove off to intercept the ship just as it leaves port. Charming
and Cinderella includes the true memories back. He
immediately asked her to marry him, again, and he accepted.

Charming Cinderella is brought back to court and explain
everything to the King and Grand Duke. The king commands
Tremaines arrested, but they escape using his cane. King says
the Tremaines as outlaws and orders hunt for them. However,
the stepmother did not give up, and as Cinderella prepare for
the wedding, he came up with Anastasia, Cinderella magically
transformed into a fake. Before Cinderella could act, carrying
his stepmother, Jaq and Gus to the castle, where they have
taken to their deaths in a pumpkin carriage bent with Lucifer as
a human driver, but they managed to defeat Lucifer and fled,
leaving Lucifer stranded in the woods.

Cinderella to the palace as a false oath about to be exchanged.
However, at the last moment, Anastasia conscience gets the
better of him and he turns Charming down, for my stepmother
and anger Drizella it. They emerged into the open and the King
orders them arrested, but the stepmother uses his cane to fend
off the guards. As he prepares to condemn Cinderella and
Anastasia, Charming turned back on the beam and Drizella
stepmother with his sword, and they turn into frogs and
transported to the warehouse palace. Cinderella uses a stick to
restore a fairy godmother and return to form real Anastasia.
Embarrassed, Anastasia King returns give valuable shell on
him before, but he allows him to remain, on the basis that all
persons entitled to true love. The fairy godmother offered to

reverse the timeline to its original state, but the decrease in
Cinderella and Charming. Once again, they get married and
live happily ever after.

CINDERELLA 3 : Berputar Dalam Waktu

Pada ulang tahun pernikahan Cinderella dan Pangeran ,
kejutan ibu peri mereka, Jaq dan Gus dengan piknik di hutan.
Namun, di dekatnya adalah rumah tua Cinderella, di mana
Anastasia dan Drizella yang pahit melakukan pekerjaan
tua Cinderella. Sementara mengembara untuk menghindari
bekerja, Anastasia tersandung di tongkat ibu peri, yang ia
menjatuhkan, dan dalam perjuangan berikutnya, Anastasia
sengaja mengubah peri Godmother menjadi batu. Ibu tiri dan
Drizella tiba untuk melihat apa yang terjadi, dan Ibu tiri menjadi
terpesona dengan kekuatan tongkat dan Revels di kesempatan
lain untuk menghancurkan kehidupan Cinderella.

ibu tiri menggunakan tongkat untuk kembali dalam waktu
dengan putrinya pada hari Grand Duke dilengkapi dengan
sepatu kaca pada Cinderella. Seperti sebelumnya, Cinderella
terkunci di loteng dengan Jaq dan Gus melawan Lucifer
atas kunci. ibu tiri menggunakan tongkat untuk memperluas
sepatu agar sesuai dengan Anastasia, dan mereka dibawa ke
istana seperti Cinderella yang muncul. ibu tiri istirahat sandal
Cinderella lainnya, satu-satunya alibi, dan memperingatkan dia
untuk menjauhkan diri dari istana. Tapi Cinderella yang tidak
menyerah, dan menyelinap ke dalam istana dengan Jaq dan

Maklum,Anastasia bukan gadis yang menari dengan di

bola, tapi ibu tiri mengubah memori dengan tongkatnya dan
dia menerima dia sebagai istrinya. Jaq dan Gus melihat ini
dari kejauhan dan menginformasikan Cinderella yang ibu
tiri memiliki tongkatnya. Cinderella yang bertindak sebagai
pembantu untuk masuk ke kamar ibu tiri ', tapi dia terlihat
oleh ibu tiri sebagai tikus lari dengan tongkatnya. Sayangnya,
penjaga istana Cinderella yang mengejar sebelum dia bisa
mengembalikan memori Charming itu. Cinderella yang
sebentar menyentuh tangan Charming dan dia mulai mengenali
dirinya, tetapi ibu tiri perintah Cinderella yang ditempatkan
pada kapal berikutnya keluar dari kerajaan. Tikus menemukan
pangeran dan menjelaskan seluruh cerita kepadanya,
dan ia meluncur pergi untuk mencegat kapal hanya saat
meninggalkan pelabuhan. Charming mencakup Cinderella
dan kenangan sejati kembali. Dia segera meminta dia untuk
menikah dengannya, lagi, dan ia menerima.

Charming Cinderella yang membawa kembali ke istana dan
menjelaskan segala sesuatu untuk Raja dan Grand Duke.
Perintah Raja Tremaines ditangkap, tetapi mereka melarikan
diri menggunakan tongkatnya. Raja firman Tremaines sebagai
pelanggar hukum dan perintah pemburuan bagi mereka.
Namun, ibu tiri tidak menyerah, dan sebagai Cinderella
mempersiapkan untuk pernikahan, ia muncul dengan
Anastasia, ajaib berubah menjadi Cinderella palsu. Sebelum
Cinderella yang bisa bertindak, ibu tiri mengangkut nya, Jaq
dan Gus ke kastil, di mana mereka harus dibawa ke kematian
mereka di kereta labu bengkok dengan Lucifer sebagai sopir
manusia, tetapi mereka berhasil mengalahkan Lucifer dan
melarikan diri, meninggalkan Lucifer terdampar di hutan.

Cinderella palsu yang ke istana sebagai sumpah sekitar untuk

dipertukarkan. Namun, pada saat terakhir, nurani Anastasia
mendapatkan yang lebih baik dari dirinya dan dia ternyata
Charming down, untuk ibu tiri dan kemarahan Drizella itu.
Mereka muncul ke tempat terbuka dan perintah Raja mereka
ditangkap, tetapi ibu tiri menggunakan tongkatnya untuk
menangkis para penjaga. Saat dia bersiap untuk mengutuk
Cinderella dan Anastasia, mengalihkan Charming kembali
balok di ibu tiri dan Drizella dengan pedangnya dan mereka
berubah menjadi kodok dan diangkut ke gudang istana.
Cinderella yang menggunakan tongkat untuk mengembalikan
ibu peri dan kembali Anastasia untuk membentuk sebenarnya.
Malu, Anastasia mengembalikan shell berharga Raja berikan
kepada pada dirinya sebelumnya, tetapi ia memungkinkan
dia untuk tetap, atas dasar bahwa semua orang berhak cinta
sejati. Para ibu peri menawarkan untuk membalikkan timeline
ke keadaan semula, tetapi penurunan Cinderella dan Tampan.
Sekali lagi, mereka menikah dan hidup bahagia selamanya.
by: Fatimatuzzahra

Retelling Story

On the anniversary of Cinderella and Prince Charming's
wedding, the Fairy Godmother surprises them, Jaq and Gus
with a picnic in the woods. However, nearby is Cinderella's
old mansion, where Anastasia and Drizella are bitterly doing
Cinderella's old chores. While wandering off to avoid work,
Anastasia stumbles across the Fairy Godmother's wand, which
she had dropped, and in the ensuing struggle, Anastasia
accidentally turns the Fairy Godmother to stone. Lady
Tremaine and Drizella arrive to see what is happening, and
Lady Tremaine becomes fascinated with the wand's power and
revels at another chance to ruin Cinderella's life.

Lady Tremaine uses the wand to go back in time with her
daughters to the day the Grand Duke fitted the glass slipper
on Cinderella. As before, Cinderella is locked in the attic with
Jaq and Gus fighting Lucifer over the key. Lady Tremaine uses
the wand to expand the slipper to fit Anastasia, and they are
taken to the palace just as Cinderella emerges. Lady Tremaine
breaks Cinderella's other slipper, her only alibi, and warns her
to keep away from the palace. But Cinderella doesn't give up,
and sneaks into the palace with Jaq and Gus.

Understandably, Charming claims Anastasia was not the girl he
danced with at the ball, but Lady Tremaine alters his memory
with the wand and he accepts her as his bride. Jaq and Gus
see this from afar and inform Cinderella that Lady Tremaine
has the wand. Cinderella poses as a maid to get into the
Tremaines' room, but she is spotted by Lady Tremaine as the
mice run away with the wand. Unfortunately, the palace guards
catch Cinderella before she can restore Charming's memory.
Cinderella briefly touches Charming's hand and he begins to
recognise her, but Lady Tremaine orders Cinderella placed on
the next ship out of the kingdom. The mice find Charming and

explain the whole story to him, and he rides off to intercept the
ship just as it leaves the port. Charming embraces Cinderella
and his true memories return. He promptly asks her to marry
him, again, and she accepts.

Charming brings Cinderella back to the castle and explains
everything to the King and the Grand Duke. The King orders
the Tremaines arrested, but they escape using the wand.
The King declares the Tremaines as outlaws and orders a
manhunt for them. However, Lady Tremaine does not give up,
and as Cinderella is preparing for the wedding, she emerges
with Anastasia, magically transformed into a doppelgänger
of Cinderella. Before Cinderella can act, Lady Tremaine
transports her, Jaq and Gus into the castle grounds, where they
are to be taken to their deaths in a twisted pumpkin carriage
with Lucifer as its human driver, but they manage to defeat
Lucifer and escape, leaving Lucifer stranded in the woods.

Cinderella races to the castle as the vows are about to
be exchanged. However, at the last moment, Anastasia's
conscience gets the better of her and she turns Charming
down, to Lady Tremaine and Drizella's fury. They emerge
into the open and the King orders them arrested, but Lady
Tremaine uses the wand to fend off the guards. As she
prepares to curse Cinderella and Anastasia, Charming deflects
the beam back at Lady Tremaine and Drizella with his sword
and they are turned into toads and transported to the castle
cellar. Cinderella uses the wand to restore the Fairy Godmother
and return Anastasia to her real form. Ashamed, Anastasia
returns a prized shell the King gave to her earlier on, but he
allows her to keep it, on the basis that everyone deserves true
love. The Fairy Godmother offers to reverse the timeline to
its original state, but Cinderella and Charming decline. Once

again, they are married and live happily ever after.

As punishment for their crimes, Lady Tremaine and Drizella are
forced to work in the castle as scullery maids

By : Salsa Billah